Highlights From Around the State: D7

D7Happy New Year everyone!  I’d like to introduce myself.  I’m Karen DeZarn, your President-elect.  I’m the FCS and 4-H agent in Lampasas County (District 7).  I’ve worked for extension for 20 years and for AgriLife for 4 years.  I’m very excited to be a part of the TEAFCS board.  I’ve met some wonderful people and hope to give back to our great organization.  I’d like to encourage you to think about being an officer.  Those needed are President Elect, 1st Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  Being an officer does take some time, but the rewards are well worth it.  Please give me, Dianne or any of the current officers a call if you have any questions. My number is 512-556-8271.  There are also some national committees that need members.  Let’s be sure Texas and the southern region is represented at the national level.  Check these out on the national website. http://www.neafcs.org/committees  Let’s pay it forward in the new year.

The District 7 FCS agents met in Sweet Water on  December 17th.  They celebrated the Holidays with a cookie and ornament exchange.  They are keeping busy with the following programs and activities: Janet Nelson – Coleman Co. – Diabetes Texas Style One-day program and a Cooking School utilizing the Texas Style recipes, Kathy Aycock – Tom Green Co. – Multi-County FPM – 2 classes and 4 classes of Food Handlers.  They’ve had a 93% pass rate!!, Linda Wells – Burnet Co. – Friend to Friend,  new TEEA  club and the new District Director is from her county, meetings re: multi-county Dinner Tonight sponsored by Scott & White will include Burnet, Llano and Lampasas, Karen DeZarn – Lampasas Co. – BLT partnership with Adult Probation, Friend to Friend Event, Jan Yanez – Coke/Sterling Cos.- FPM, Food Handlers, Dinner Tonight, Spotlight on Smokeless Tobacco, The Land Expo coming up, FRED, Tasha Baxter – Nolan Co. – reported about the Texas Tech grant in the collegiate school in Roscoe,  this has broadened the number of 4-H projects/leaders. Judy Gully – RPL – D7 FCS is fully staffed – recruit for D6 5 positions open. The group divided into clusters to rotate hosting future meetings.  We are working on a newsletter to share district wide.  We voted to give Ashley Piercy, Scurry Co. FCS agent $100 to help her after the fire.

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