
TEAFCS members may apply for both NEAFCS and TEAFCS State Only Awards.

Please review the information and criteria for National Awards, State Awards and Scholarships on this website.

 Please note the following deadlines for both NEAFCS and TEAFCS Award Applications:

  • NEAFCS Awards (TEXAS SUBMISSION DEADLINE):  February 21, 2025
  • TEAFCS State Awards Only Deadline:  April 4, 2025
  • TEAFCS Scholarship Deadline: April 4, 2025

For all awards, please submit accurate spelling of all team member names!

If you have any questions, please contact:

Haley Cowley

Phone: (432-943-4112)

Email: haley.cowley@ag.t

Awards assistance needed~
Any TEAFCS members interested in volunteering to assisting the awards committee are encouraged to volunteer!  A message from our Awards Committee Chairman, Haley Cowley:

“I’m currently seeking about five more individuals to join the Awards Committee, as well as three more for the Award Manual Subcommittee. Could you please share the following Google Forms with your District Associations to see if anyone would be interested in serving on either committee?
If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you for your assistance”

Texas Deadline for Application:  February 21, 2025

The 2025 NEAFCS Awards Manual is available on the NEAFCS website.  It contains a complete description of awards as well as eligibility and submission requirements.  Members should review and follow the guidelines in the manual in preparing and submitting awards applications.   Please remember that membership dues must be renewed by December 31st in order to qualify for awards.


General Information:

Please see their website directly for the Awards Manual/Guidelines and instructions for submitting your application through the portal.
Note: Texas is in the Southern Region for NEAFCS purposes. Please do not confuse the portal closure deadline listed on the website with the Texas Submission Deadline. TEAFCS members must have their NEAFCS Award submissions uploaded to the portal by 11:59 PM CST,
February 14, 2025.

The NEAFCS website has a wealth of information. Should you have questions about NEAFCS related awards, please email both myself and, to ensure a timely and accurate answer.

Additional Resources

NEAFCS also has some additional resources to help with the awards process:

Submission Process

The Texas deadline for national awards submission is February 21, 2025.  Awards will be submitted to NEAFCS using the online process.  The NEAFCS Awards Application is available on the NEAFCS website.

Texas members submitting national awards applications must complete the following:

  1. Submit the NEAFCS Awards Application online by the Texas deadline of February 21, 2025.
  2. Email a copy of your awards submission confirmation page to Haley Cowley at  If the submission is for a team award, please include a list of team members. Please double check spelling of all team member names as this is how plaques and certificates will be ordered.

Application Deadline:  April 4, 2025

TEAFCS offers several awards that are only offered at the state level.  These awards were developed as an additional way to recognize our members as well as some of the individual and groups that provide support to FCH programming efforts.

Please review the TEAFCS Awards Manual for a complete list of awards as well as requirements.  All state only awards will need to be submitted by email to and
CC: by April 4, 2025.

Texas Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences:

TEAFCS Professional Development Scholarship Application

TEAFCS Awards Manual

Program Awards Cover Page

County Judges and Commissioners Nomination Form

Friend of Extension Nomination Form

Specialist Nomination Form

Extension Support Staff Nomination Form

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