Highlights From Around the State: D9

Grimes County Back to School Health & Safety Day

The Back to School Health and Safety Day Event is to support needy faD92milies in Grimes County. The Grimes County community has an extremely large population of limited resource families. $15.9% of the   Families in Grimes County live in poverty. Often these children begin school with limited or no school supplies. Although there are many resources and service available throughout the county that assists needy families many of these families are unaware of the available resources and services that they offer.

The Cooperative Extension Program through Prairie View A& M University designed the Back to School Health and Safety Day event in order to assist families in preparing for the new school year. The event was held at the Grimes County Fair Grounds. The Back to School Health and Safety Day Event provides families with an opportunity to receive the basic school supplies for the new school year.

More than 300D91 bags of school supplies were issued to school age participants. Each bag was valued at $12.00 each. Participants were also introduced to many of the available county resources agencies and had the opportunity to learn about their services. The participants were engaged in workshops about Bullying and Packing a Cost Effective Lunch. One participant stated that, she was so glad that this event was being conducted, because she had no idea on how she was going to get supplies for 5 children. The health fair participants were not only given school supplies for the upcoming school year, but they also received health screenings, glucose screenings, spinal screenings, and vision screenings.



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